Library – The epitome of learning

The institutional library is facilitated with the latest software regarding the material collection and other requirements of the library. It is the epitome of learning. Every resource is available in the college library to the staff and students which they require. The college library is enriched with more than seven thousand five hundred books of several titles and publications. The library resources for the staff and students are;

The institute has an excellent well-stocked Library consisting of carefully selected Textbooks, Reference books, Handbooks, Reports, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Theses, Electronic study material, Educational journals of national and international repute, popular magazines, and leading daily newspapers and is fully geared up to meet the requirements of B.Ed students. Our library is constantly acquiring more books. The library of the college contains:

OUR LIBRARY having a stock of 4000 Books (registered on online panel) is working as a connecting tool between B. Ed curricula and our students; as it endorses desirable study habits in students. A library is truly integral to the teaching and learning processes. It stimulates interest in subjects and widens the horizon.

Facilities provided by the College Library-Online Panel for the issue of books to students and teachers.

  • High Quality Reference Materials
  • Supports Reading And Literacy
  • Encourage Curiosity, Problem Solving and Innovation.
  • The Best Place To Study
  • Safe Place For The Quiet Students
  • Dynamic Resources For Students To Test Their Knowledge

Details of Library Staff:


1Seating capacity of Library50
2Working time8 am to 2:30 pm
3Library NetworkingYes
4Book issued to facultyMax. 4 books
5Books issued to studentsMax. 03 books
(for a period of 15 days)

A. Library record: accession register, book issue registers for both the students and the faculty.

B. Books, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries & encyclopedias, etc.

S No.ParticularQuantity
1Books on Records4589
2Reference Books487
3No. of Title1524
8Computer with Internet01